• Do not scratch, pick or rub the treated area during the healing process. This can cause infection, irritation, and damage to the tattoo/skin.

  • Once your tattoo is healed, always use SPF-15 or greater Sunblock when the tattoo is exposed to the sun. Sun exposure can fade your tattoo.

  • Tattoos look different fresh vs healed, don't worry if your tattoo lightens up a little bit over the course of healing, this is normal. 

  • Your tattoo should heal over the course of 2-4 weeks. Saniderm may help it heal faster, but we all heal differently and likewise, healing times may vary. 

  • Consult a physician if any of the following signs or symptoms develop:

    -Redness at the site  , Foul Smell , Green/yellow discharge or Fever

    Everyone heals differently and taking care to follow the above after the procedures is your responsibility!

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us! We look forward to working with you again!

Saniderm and Regular Aftercare

Our Studio uses the latest in aftercare products. We proudly use Saniderm aftercare when possible. If you are allergic to medical adhesives or latex please let your artist know so that we can accommodate you with a standard bandage wrap (Follow Regular aftercare instructions shown below). 

With Saniderm, we will apply the first layer after the tattoo is finished. This layer will be left on for 24 hours. After this time, you will remove the layer we applied at the studio, and apply a new layer that you will leave on for up to 6 days. To apply the new Saniderm, remove the old layer of Saniderm under running water being careful not to pull or irritate the skin.  Thoroughly clean the area with antibacterial soap and pat dry with a clean paper towel. Then spray and wipe off with alcohol before applying the next layer of Saniderm. Do all of these steps with freshly washed hands.  After this time, you will remove the Saniderm and wash/ lotion as needed. 

  • The Saniderm will most likely pool with some blood, plasma, or ink. This is normal. If the bandage is not able to stay on due to this pooling, remove it and start regular aftercare of lotioning and washing as needed.

  • The Saniderm is waterproof and you can shower with it, however, do not soak with it. Also do not go swimming, hot tubbing, or suntanning with it. 

  • Do not work out while Saniderm is in place or while the tattoo is healing.


    • Remove bandage at home after no more than 2-3 hours

    • Wash area with clean hands, and unscented antibacterial soap

    • Pat dry, do not rub dry. 

    • Apply a thin layer of lotion (do not use petroleum based or scented lotions).

    • Repeat as needed. Usually at the beginning and end of the day. Use your best judgment.

    • Wear loose fitting clothing around the area so that it doesn't rub or scratch at the healing tattoo

    • Avoid sun exposure and swimming, hot tubbing, and perfume/ makeup on the area until it is fully healed. Failure to do this can result in poor healing, slow healing, and infection.